text by Asterrios Agkathidis
An exceptional and experimental installation took place last January at the Diamantenboerse exhibition space in Frankfurt. The corner gallery was fully covered with 100m2 of white elastic textile, tensioned in order to introduce a new ground extruded over the original floor. This installation functions as a morphogenetic tool, exploring potential spatial qualities.
Visitors could enter the space and “play” with the white surface. The later becomes a dynamic topology, constantly generating new morphologies and spacial variations, always within the predefined envelope. As an over-scaled bed sheet, this white surface, splits the room in two, while visitors can enter the space beneath or above, and interact. Despite the ‘splitting’, new ways of spatial connections and communications appear via the human bodies.
Visitors become users.
Users have to navigate themselves through different spatial and material conditions, where all senses are involved. Laser lines are projected on the membrane -as isocurves - mapping every change on the surface of the white landscape. The body is the protagonist as its movement indeed orchestrates the whole.
Asterios Agkathidis is an architect/ theorist founder of ‘a3lab’ in Frankfurt. http://www.a3lab.org/